Sunday 19 September 2021

Slim Veda by Eveda Official

Slim Veda by Eveda Official
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess 'meda' (body fat) has accumulated due to an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. It could be genetical, but most of the times, it is a result of poor dietary habits and unhealthy lifestyle. Obesity exacerbates a large number of health-related problems, both independently and in association with other diseases. Imbalance of metabolism and digestive fire leads to undigested food, thereby creating excessive toxins- which coat the digestive tract. This reduces the nourishment and metabolic function further.
Slim-veda cleanses the toxins and is made of combination of various herbs renowned for their medicinal properties helpful in naturally aiding weight loss holistically.
Have a look at few benefits:
* Helps fat cells to break down
* Helps reduce costisol (stress hormone associated with weight gain)
*Aids weight loss by naturally reducing Kapha.
* Aids digestion, boosting the proper absorption of nutrients and eliminate toxins naturally.
* Control appetite, thereby reducing cravings and calorie intake.
* Improves metabolism and thus prevents fat deposit
Want to know more? Visit:
Slim Veda by Eveda Official

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