Tuesday 19 October 2021

How to improve Kapha

How to improve Kapha using Kapha Balancing Juice
Kapha means to embrace, to cohere or to keep things together. This bio- energy is associated with stability and energy storage, giving strength and substance to the body. In an abnormal state, Kapha may become a waste product (Mala) that needs to be excreted from the body.Disturbance in Kapha may lead to weight gain, fluid retention, allergies, diabetes, depression and asthma. Kapha unbalanced also results in excessive sleep, heaviness, lethargy, laziness, poor appetite, nausea, excess salivation and indigestion. Kapha Balancing Juice is a wonderful blend of herbs helpful in balancing Kapha. Want to know more, visit: www.eveda.co.uk
How to improve Kapha

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