Friday 26 November 2021

Role of Ayurveda in Diabetes Treatment

Role of Ayurveda in Diabetes Treatment
Ayurveda is the most effective way for diabetes treatment. Ayurvedic herbs cure diabetes by stimulating the production of insulin.
You can find some other effective methods as well:
* You can consume raw Amla everyday, or mix 1 tablespoon of Amla juice with one cup of bitter gourd juice and drink it daily.
* Mango leaves are also one of the most effective home remedy to treat and manage diabetes.
Few Ayurveda herbs for Diabetes:
* Neem
* Bitter melon
* Cinnamon
* Triphala
* Aloe-Vera
Here at Eveda, we've got an amazing food supplement: "Diaba Veda", you can get to know more about that on
Role of Ayurveda in Diabetes Treatment

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