Thursday 16 December 2021

Pita Balancing Juice by Eveda

Pita Balancing Juice by Eveda
'Pitta' is derived from the Sanskrit word, root ‘tap' meaning 'to burn'. Pitta in the body is responsible for maintaining body temperature, metabolism, eyesight and skin complexion. The imbalance of this Dosha may result in irritability, insomnia and depression, among many other ailments like OCDs. Pitta Balancing juice largely helps with anger, frustration and emotional management by regulating the endocrine system. 
Have a look at few more important benefits of Pitta Balancing Juice by Eveda:
* It aids in hyperthyroidism, adrenal exhaustion, migraine, fainting, meningitis, encephalitis, chronic fatigue syndrome.
* It reduces tenderness in the breasts, nipples, or testicles, prostate gland.
Watch this video by Dr Poonam:
Pita Balancing Juice by Eveda

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