Showing posts with label About Eveda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About Eveda. Show all posts

Thursday 15 July 2021

Importance of Weight management

Achieving a healthy weight can help you control your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. It might also help you prevent weight-related diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and some cancers. So it's very important to mange your weight in a proper manner. Here at Eveda, we've got such an amazing vegan food supplement: Slim-Veda, which can be really helpful in weight management.
Importance of Weight management

Wednesday 14 July 2021

Slim Veda by Eveda

Slim Veda by Eveda
Slim Veda by Eveda powered by Dr Ayurveda. That's such an amazing vegan food supplement, which supports satiety and it really helps in weight management Want to know more? Visit our website:
Slim Veda by Eveda

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Vegan food supplements for healthy lifestyle

Your health is the most important thing these days and here at Eveda, we care about your health.Considering various health conditions, we've launched some amazing vegan food supplements for your healthy lifestyle. Visit our website: for details. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
Vegan food supplements for healthy lifestyle

Sunday 11 July 2021

Importance of natural juice in Ayuveda by Eveda

Importance of natural juice in Ayuveda by Eveda
Juices from natural herbs are recommended in Ayurveda, which can offer various benefits for different people. You must add these natural juices in your regular routine, that may help you out with various health conditions. We've already witnessed some amazing testimonials of some of our juices.Have a look at some important juices from Eveda:
* Jungle Juice
* Aloe Vera Juice
* Digestive Juice
* Lung Care Juice
* Heart Care Juice
* Skin Bliss Juice
Importance of natural juice in Ayuveda by Eveda

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Migra Veda by Eveda

Migra Veda by Eveda
Migra Veda by Eveda powered by Dr Ayurveda.
Are you suffering from Migraine and Headaches? This vegan food supplement will really help you in many ways. Want to know more? Visit our website:
Migra Veda by Eveda

Sunday 4 July 2021

Importance of food supplements

Importance of food supplements
You must know about few things before choosing the right food supplements:
* You must know your body first of all before choosing the right food supplements.
* Keep track of what and how much you eat on a daily basis.
* Try to identify where you are lacking and why.
* It is important that you pick the right vitamins for your age, so you can get the maximum benefits.
* Once you start taking supplements, you may need to hatch another diet plan which divides the nutrition in between your food and the dietary supplements. If you don’t balance the intake, nutrient excess can cause you several disorders, most likely headaches and nausea.
Importance of food supplements

Friday 2 July 2021

C-Veda by Eveda

C-Veda by Eveda
C-Veda by Eveda powered by Dr Ayurveda. This is such an amazing vegan food supplement, which is rich in micronutrients and work on various conditions.
* It boosts your immune system.
* It can assist in your cancer recovery as well.
* It works really well on various heart conditions.
* It has anti-inflammatory and anti fungal as well.
* It helps in various liver problems.
* It helps in arthritis.
* It improves digestion as well.
* It works in infection.
* It boosts your energy level.
One health supplement and such a huge list of health benefits.
Want to know more? Visit
C-Veda by Eveda

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Uro Veda by Eveda

Uro Veda by Eveda powered by Dr Ayurveda: which is an amazing vegan food supplement. It helps in various conditions:
It support prostate, Kidney, Bladder and improve Libido.
Uro Veda by Eveda

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Dr Ashok founder of Eveda

Dr Ashok founder of Eveda
Eveda has been launched in India and we're getting amazing responses. Start adapting Ayurveda Lifestyle and try our Vegan Food Supplements now.
Our Website is live:
Dr Ashok founder of Eveda

Saturday 26 June 2021

PCOS Veda by Eveda

PCOS Veda by Eveda powered by Dr Ayurveda
That's such an amazing vegan food supplement for females.
It really helps in balancing and regulating female Hormones.
PCOS Veda by Eveda

Thursday 24 June 2021

Health products by Eveda

Things are setting up nicely and we're overwhelmed with the response we're getting at this early phase of our journey.
We're getting various testimonials about our organic products. We will posting about those reviews soon. Hard work is paying off and many people are liking our healthy juices. Here at Eveda, we're delighted to know that. Stay safe and healthy!
Health products by Eveda

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Role of Ayurveda in diabetes treatment

Role of Ayurveda in diabetes treatment
Ayurveda is the most effective way for diabetes treatment. Ayurvedic herbs cure diabetes by stimulating the production of insulin. You can find some other effective methods as well:
* You can consume raw Amla everyday, or mix 1 tablespoon of Amla juice with one cup of bitter gourd juice and drink it daily.
* Mango leaves are also one of the most effective home remedy to treat and manage diabetes.
Few Ayurveda herbs for Diabetes:
* Neem
* Bitter melon
* Cinnamon
* Triphala
* Aloe-Vera
Here at Eveda, we've got an amazing food supplement: "Diaba Veda", you can get to know more about that on
Role of Ayurveda in diabetes treatment

Monday 21 June 2021

Diaba Veda by Eveda

Diaba Veda by Eveda
Diaba Veda by Eveda powered by Dr Ayurveda:Control your blood sugar with this amazing vegan food supplement.
* It controls your blood sugar.
* It's rich in adaptogen and phyto-antioxidants.
Want to know more? Visit out website:
Diaba Veda by Eveda

Friday 18 June 2021

Important tips for weight loss by Eveda

Have a look at few important tips for weight loss:* Sip warm lemon water to start your day.
* You should sleep well, that equally important.
* Adding meditation to your daily life can reduce the amount of cortisol (the stress hormone associated with weight gain) in your body.
* Eat your largest meal during the day, not at night.
Few Ayurveda Herbs for weight loss:
* Triphala
* Kalonji
* Guggul
* Aloe Vera
* Punarnava
Important tips for weight loss by Eveda

Thursday 17 June 2021

Artho Veda by Eveda

Artho Veda by Eveda
Artho Veda by Eveda powered by Dr Ayurveda:This food supplement is for those who value their joint health.
* It is anti inflammatory.
* It helps in pain relief as well.
* It's rich in natural antioxidants.
That's such an amazing health supplement. Want to know more? Visit
Artho Veda by Eveda

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Official launch of Eveda

Finally the day has arrived, that you all were waiting for. The official Launch of Eveda! We're going to start our head office in India. Our first office will be there in Panipat. That will be loaded with all our 100% Organic Ayurveda Products. Join the Ayurvedic Revolution with us and together we can make it really big.
So, save the date: Sunday, 20th June'2021.
Official launch of Eveda

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Herbs to Boost Energy and Focus by Eveda

Have a look at some really effective Herbs to Boost Energy and Focus by Eveda:
* Ginseng
* Ashwagandha
* Gotu Kola
* Guarana
* Rosemary
* Bacopa monnieri
* Rhodiola rosea
* Peppermint
Herbs to Boost Energy and Focus by Eveda

Monday 14 June 2021

Cardiac Veda by Eveda

Cardiac Veda by Eveda
Cardiac Veda by Eveda powered by Dr Ayurveda:This food supplement is for those who value their heart health.
* It lowers the blood pressure.
* It reduces the cholesterol levels.
* It improves stamina too.
That's such an amazing health supplement. Want to know more? Visit
Cardiac Veda by Eveda